Saturday, November 18, 2006

My Mangy Mug Shot

This picture is here so that I can add it to my profile. I took a couple pictures and I guess this was the best one. So now when I comment on other peoples blogs, you can picture my smiling mug delivering those comments from my own mouth. Unless of course I'm hurling insults and criticisms at you, in which case your have to just imagine what my face might look like then.


Goose said...

Look at those pearly whites. They look like the white fangs

Danalin said...

What a handsome man! Whoever gets to kiss that cute face every day is one lucky lady... :)

Mark said...

Nice mug shot, bud. I think I saw that on America's Most Wanted last night.

What's spooky is that your eyes seem to follow me around the room, like something off Scooby Doo.

Wendi said...

How easily the Foster male smile can vary between benevolence and malice, depending upon the viewer.

;-) Just kidding, Ty. You look great.