Sunday, June 18, 2006

1st Fathers Day

Hello, everyone! No deep thoughts tonight, just musings about my first Fathers day...

I love my little family so much. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful, sweet wife, who has the golden heart of a loving mother. She is such an inspiration to me and I continually seem to learn about the finer sides of life from her. I look back on the type of person I was before I met her and I can see that in just a year and a half of marriage, I have slowly morphed into a different and better person. I still have a long way to go, but under the expert tutelage of my lovely wife, I know that I am on the right path!

And now, onto my son...

He is such a sweet little baby. He is chunking up like a champ, as you can tell from the above picture. The other picture is a favorite of his parents because it was taken right after one of his baths. He hated his baths for the first few weeks of his life, but he loves them now, and they always seem to calm him down. As I have said before, I can tell that Max is such an important person, who holds so much potential for good in the world. I feel a heavy responsiblity on my broad shoulders to be this little guy's father. He is so dependent on us and we love him so much. "All you need is love," right? I'm sure there are other important ingredients as well, but love seems like a pretty good starting point.


Dad said...

You are a smart man to recognize early in your marriage that you married way above yourself. I learned that a long time ago as you have all pointed out. You are a lucky man and I do recognize the differences in you since your marriage.
You still treat your old man like dirt, but you are a wonderful husband and already are a great father. You certainly have Max high on your priority list and there is no higher priority than you children and your wife. Keep it up Dad. You are doing great.


Jeff said...

You have a great fan and you are a lucky man.

Wendi said...

Happy slightly belated Father's Day, Ty -- Max is indeed filling out nicely, and judging by the writings you and Dana seem very happy indeed. Keep valuing and respecting each other always!

Mark said...

Max sure is taking after his old man--chunkin' right up! Just kiddin', Bud. You're still a Slim Jim, even if you are topping 200lbs.

Can't wait to meet Max soon!